Strong, healthy teeth start with healthy gums, and healthy gums require good oral hygiene. But while a great number of problems are caused by gum disease, only a few of them are reversible, which is why it is vital to consult your dentist as soon as possible.
There are three main types of gum disease – gingivitis, periodontitis and acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis. The symptoms vary, ranging from having a bad taste in your mouth to bleeding gums when you brush your teeth.
At Smile, our qualified team can help to tackle all aspects of gum disease and set you on the right road towards healthier teeth. After an examination, we will be able to suggest treatment using scaling or periodontal treatment. We will then discuss a programme of regular check ups and detail the best oral hygiene techniques to keep your gums in tip-top condition.
So why not get started now? Tackling gum disease will help to secure your smile for many years to come. Contact Us now.